Please check this page again as we continue to update with more Vedder paintings framed by Gill & Lagodich.

ELIHU VEDDER (1836–1923), ALFRED PARSONS (1847–1920
Luna, Christmas, 1882, mistletoe border by Alfred Parsons, watercolor and pastel and black and blue ink on artist’s board, 31.4 x 27.9 cm; Cover of “Harper’s Christmas 1882: Pictures and Papers, Done by the Tile Club and its Literary Friends”, New-York: Harper & Brothers. Artwork collection of Tracy Gill and Simeon Lagodich. Framed in a custom-made Vedder-style frame, patinated silver leaf on wood, from Gill & Lagodich studios.

ELIHU VEDDER (1836–1923)
The Fates Gathering in the Stars, 1887, oil on canvas, 44-1/2” x 32-1/2”. Framed by Gill & Lagodich for the Art Institute of Chicago; period c. 1880s-90s English Watts-style painting frame; gilded applied ornament top and sight edges, flat gilded oak frieze, molding width 6-3/4 inches; torn paper label verso: CHAS. A. JACKSON / Fine Art Dealer, / Carver and Gilder, / Picture Frame Manufacturer. ... "Elihu Vedder adapted this painting from an illustration he designed for an 1884 edition of Edward FitzGerald’s translation of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. An expatriate artist who lived in Rome for most of his life, Vedder was attracted to mysterious, visionary subject matter. The artist used the Rubaiyat to express his own philosophical beliefs regarding such metaphysical and spiritual questions as death and the existence of an afterlife, subjects that are at the core of Khayyam’s poetry. This image depicts the three Fates of Greek mythology—Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos—working the thread of life. Clotho spins the thread, Lachesis fixes its length, and Atropos cuts it at the appointed time of death. The Fates are symbolized by the spindle, distaff, and shears in the foreground and represent the poet’s belief that mankind has no control over destiny.” —museum label Painting: Friends of American Art Collection