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Please check this page again as we continue to update with more artists framed by Gill & Lagodich in both period and replica frames.
Artists are listed alphabetically.
Please check this page again as we continue to update with more artists framed by Gill & Lagodich in both period and replica frames.
Artists are listed alphabetically.
DE SCOTT EVANS (1847–1898)
The Irish Question, 1880s, oil on canvas, 12 x 10 inches. Framed by Gill & Lagodich for the Art Institute of Chicago; period 19th-century American Folk Art frame, beautiful hand-painted faux bois burl pattern, beveled profile, original condition; molding width 2-1/2” Painting Restricted gift of Carol W. Wardlaw and Jill Burnside Zeno; Roger and J. Peter McCormick Endowments, 2004.3
PHILIP EVERGOOD (1901 – 1973)
Street Corner, 1936, oil on canvas mounted to board, 29-15/16” x 50-1/16”, framed by Gill & Lagodich for the Virginia Musuem of Fine Arts: Period 20th-century polychrome on wormy chestnut wood frame, molding width 4-3/16 in. VMFA: J. Harwood and Louise B. Cochrane Fund for American Art, 2010.4