Gill & Lagodich Studios produce the highest quality custom-made replica frames. Using our extensive collection of period frames as direct models, we access an in-house library of gilding patinas and period ornament to create the most accurate frame replicas.
note: we add images to this web site collection regularly, please check back soon to see more examples. Paintings are arranged alphabetically by artist.

Summer Day, 1911, oil on canvas, 36-1/8 x 32-1/8 inches, framed by Gill & Lagodich in a custom-made replica c. 1911 American Arts and Crafts painting frame; lemon-gilded hand-carved and cast ornament on wood; molding width 7” Note: original frame: hand-carved signature verso: 19 M 11 / Carrig-Rohane/ Thulin-Murphy Co./Boston / #926. Replica commissioned by Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.

Children In Woods, 1905, oil on canvas, 32” x 30” framed by Gill & Lagodich for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, custom-made replica American Arts and Crafts painting frame, c. 1907, Hermann Dudley Murphy/Carrig Rohane, Boston maker; gilded hand-carved wood. “Benson began to experiment with plein-air painting in the late 1890s, often depicting his own children out of doors. This canvas portrays his three daughters near the family’s summer retreat at North Haven, Maine. Eleanor, the eldest, recalled: “When we were in North Haven, Papa would often have us put on our best white dresses and then ask us to sit in the grass or play in the woods. We thought it was silly and the maids made such a fuss when they saw our clothes afterwards.” Benson permitted his children to read or play cards while posing but disguised these diversions in his final compositions.”

GEORGES BRAQUE (1882 – 1963)
Landscape Near Antwerp (Paysage pres d'Anvers), 1906, oil on canvas, 23-5/8" x 31-7/8", custom-made replica frame fabricated by Gill & Lagodich, oxidized soft maple, inset radial corners, design and color matched to original frame in Musee D'Orsay. Frame commissioned by Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Thannhauser Collection.

North River Shad, c. 1910, oil on canvas, 29" x 37". Custom-made replica of a late 18th-century European, Dutch-style, frame, ebonized carved wood with applied ornament, molding width 5-1/2" Frame commissioned by the Art Institute of Chicago.

Storm King On The Hudson, oil on canvas, 1866/2016. Museum-quality replica painting and frame: Commissioned by the Intercontinental Barclay Hotel, New York, 2016 CUSTOM REPLICA PAINTING by Simeon Lagodich, 2016, oil on canvas, 32 x 50 inches. CUSTOM MADE REPLICA FRAME fabricated by Gill & Lagodich, c. 1860s American painting frame; gilded applied cast ornament on wood; Molding width: 6” Note: original painting, canvas size 32-1/8 x 59-7/8 inches, Smithsonian American Art Museum, 1929.6.20

Red Barge No. 1, 1942, oil on canvas, 27-7/8" x 39-3/4". Framed by Gill & Lagodich in a custom-made variation of an early 20th-century American Modernist painting frame; simple, flat artist-made construction; painted wood, antiqued gesso, stone gray patina; molding width: 6” Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Museum purchase funded by the John R. Eckel, Jr. Foundation.

John Brown, 1939, oil on canvas, 69" x 45", © John Steuart Curry. Custom-made replica, Early American molding frame, first-quarter-19th-century, beveled wood profile with worn ebonized patina and gilded flat liner. Molding width: 6-1/2” Frame commissioned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

EDGAR DEGAS (1834–1917)
Nude Woman Drying Herself (Femme au Tub), ca. 1884-1886, oil on canvas, 59 3/8 x 84 1/8 in. (150.8 x 213.7 cm). Custom-made replica frame made by Gill & Lagodich for the Brooklyn Museum: 19th-century French Degas-designed painting frame; chemin-de-fer profile as sketched in Degas’ notebooks; milled and gilded wood with patinated gesso frieze, molding width: 4-5/8”

Portrait Of A Lady Holding A Rose, 1912, oil on canvas, 21-1/4 x 16-1/4 inches; c. 1895-1905 American Stanford White painting frame; gilded composition ornament over wood; attached grille design, molding width: 6-5/8”, custom-made replica frame fabricated in the Gill & Lagodich studios. Frame commissioned by the Terra Foundation for American Art, Daniel J. Terra Collection, 1999.46

ELSIE DRIGGS (1898-1992)
Aeroplane, 1928, oil on canvas, 44" x 38", framed by Gill & Lagodich in a custom-made replica of ac.1930s-40s American Modernist painting frame; wide reverse wave profile, water gilded in palladium leaf with light burnt sienna patina. Molding Width: 3-3/8” Painting: Museum purchase funded by the Brown Foundation Accessions Endowment Fund.

GASPARD DUGHET (1615–1675)
A Traveler on a Path in a Mountainous Landscape, ca. 1640, oil on canvas, 35-5/8 x 52-5/16. Custom hand-carved and gilded replica of c. 17th-century French reverse profile painting frame, molding width: 4-1/8” made by Gill & Lagodich for the Brooklyn Museum. Painting, Joseph F. McCrindle Collection, 2009.35.1

GEORGE FULLER (1822 – 1884)
Hannah, 1879, oil on canvas, 50-1/8" x 40-3/8", custom-made replica 1870s American frame fabricated by Gill & Lagodich. Frame commissioned by Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.

PAUL GAUGUIN (1848 – 1903)
Haere Mai, 1891, oil on burlap, 28-1/2" x 36", custom-made primitivist frame, hand-carved mahogany with antiqued-gesso flat wood liner. Frame commissioned by Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Thannauser Collection.

The Sonata, 1893, oil on canvas mounted on board, 32-1/16" x 32-1/16", custom-made replica c.1890s Stanford White/LeBrocq-style frame fabricated by Gill & Lagodich. Frame commissioned by Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.

EDWARD HOPPER (1882 – 1967)
Nighthawks, 1942, oil on canvas, 33-1/8 x 60 inches, custom-designed, gilded, and patinated frame, 9-karat gray-gold leaf over fine-combed gesso and cast ornament on carved wood; custom-fabricated in the Gill & Lagodich New York studios; combed pattern, ogee profile, and gilded patina based on original Hopper frame models. Frame commissioned by the Art Institute of Chicago.

PAUL KLEE (1879–1940)
Night Feast ( Nächtliches Fest ) , 1921, oil on paper, mounted on cardboard painted with oil, mounted on board; sheet: 14 1/2 x 19 5/8 inches (36.9 x 49.8 cm); mount: 19 3/4 x 23 5/8 inches (50 x 60 cm). Custom pyramid-profile frame based on original Klee design, made by Gill & Lagodich for Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. © 2018 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

HENRI MATISSE (1869 – 1954)
Nude In A Forest (Nu dans un paysage ensoleille), 1909–12, oil on canvas, 16-1/2" x 12-3/4", custom-made replica Modernist frame, parcel gilt and patinated carved mahogany, cassetta profile fabricated by Gill & Lagodich. Frame commissioned by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York.

THOMAS MORAN (1837–1926)
Valley of the Catawissa in Autumn, ca. 1862, oil on canvas, 39-5/8" x 63-3/4". Custom-made replica of a 19th-century American Hudson River School painting frame; Neoclassical Revival style; gilded cast ornament on wood with sand panel. Molding width: 7” Frame commissioned by the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.

THOMAS MORAN (1837–1926)
Snowy Mountain Range (Path of Souls, Idaho), 1896, oil on canvas, 15” x 27” Custom-made replica, c. 1880s American painting frame; gilded applied composition ornament with gilded oak panel; molding width: 5-1/4” Frame made by Gill & Lagodich for the Petrie Institute of Western American Art, Denver Art Museum.

Afternoon Tea, Giverny, 1910, oil on canvas, 39-1/2” x 32”. Custom-made replica frame, gilded cast ornament on wood; molding width 7-1/4” Replicated from an original period Stanford White frame in the Gill & Lagodich Collection for the Indianapolis Museum of Art.

Charles Ethan Porter, Chrysanthemums, ca. 1881, oil on canvas, 10 x 16”, framed by Gill & Lagodich in a custom-made variation of an 1880-90s American painting frame; gilded applied ornament on wood, Japonesque chrysanthemum pattern frieze; molding width: 4-1/2”. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, James Barton Payne fund.

New England Village, c.1918–1923, oil on canvas, 18" x 20-3/4"; framed in a custom-made replica of original Prendergast frame in the Gill & Lagodich Collection; c. 1909 American American Arts and Crafts artist-made Prendergast painting frame; original frame for Maurice Prendergast watercolor, St. Malo. Gilded hand-carved wood with punchwork. Rare artist-made frame. Molding width: 2-1/4” Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Wintermann Collection of American Art, gift of Mr. and Mrs. David R. Wintermann

The Fountain, Villa Torlonia, Frascati, Italy, 1907, oil on canvas, 28-1/8" x 22-1/4", custom-made replica, 17th-century Italianate frame, gilded hand-carved wood with punchwork frieze. Frame commissioned by the Art Institute of Chicago.

Venetian Glass Workers, 1880/82, oil on canvas, 22-1/4" x 33-1/4"; custom-made replica of a 17th-century Northern Italian painting frame; gilded and polychrome hand-carved wood; molding width 4-3/8” Frame commissioned by the Art Institute of Chicago.

MAURICE STERNE (1878–1957)
New Mexico Still Life, 1919, oil on board, 21” x 25” Custom-made replica of an early 20th-century American Arts and Crafts painting frame; Philip N. Yates, attr. PA maker; pale 18-karat-gold leaf over red bole on hand-carved wood. Gentle reverse profile, molding width: 5-5/8” Frame commissioned by the Petrie Institute of Western American Art, Denver Art Museum.

GEORGE TOOKER (1920 – 2011)
Highway, egg tempera on gesso hardboard, 1953, 22-7/8" x 17-7/8", custom-made replica frame, first-quarter 20th century American frame; black-painted wood with added 5/8”-visible red velvet liner, Molding width: 2-5/8" Terra Foundation for American Art, Daniel J. Terra Collection, 1992.134 Extended loan: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania "The extended loan of the Terra Foundation’s painting Highway, by George Tooker, will enhance an installation of artists such as Gertrude Abercrombie, George Ault, Kurt Seligman, Honoré Sharrer, Yves Tanguy, Dorothea Tanning, John Wilde, and Andrew Wyeth at PAFA. The opportunity to develop additional programming as the result of the Tooker loan allows PAFA to pursue a symposium on a group of artists, including Peter Blume, George Tooker, Ivan Albright, and other Americans who used a realist method to invent their own worlds by transforming the symbolic language of Old Master painting into a contemporary idiom. These artists’ works gravitated towards the uncanny and were often called “magic realists.”"

BUMPEI USUI (American (born Japan), Nagano 1898–1994 New York)
The Furniture Factory, 1925, oil on canvas , 36” x 43”. Custom-made replica c. 1930s-40s American Modernist painting frame, reverse bolection profile, gilders clay and polychrome on wood, toned gesso hollow at sight edge. Molding width: 4-1/8”. Frame commissioned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

GEORGE W. PETTIT (1839–1910)
Union Refugees, 1865, oil on canvas, 40-1/4 x 54-1/4 in. Framed by Gill & Lagodich for Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art (2012). Custom-made replica of Rare c. 1860s American frame. Earle Galleries, Philadelphia maker, outer wood molding, scrolling foliate stenciled sand pattern on ogee profile, molding width 7-1/2 in. “This Civil War scene presents the faces of men and women, young and old, black and white, who display hope, sadness, and defiance. The issue of Union refugees— people fleeing the Southern states—was frequently discussed in Northern newspapers during the war and became the subject for this Philadelphia painter. Who would take them in? What would be their fate? The subject remains relevant today, as refugees displaced by wars worldwide leave loved ones and belongings behind to seek a better life.” —museum label.